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2008 Physics Seminars

Speaker Title Date
Earle Lomon, M.I.T. Electromagnetic nucleon form factors understood in the context of vector meson dominance Dec. 12, 2008
John Ralston, University of Kansas Exploring Confinement with Spin Dec. 5, 2008
Patricia Solvignon, Argonne National Lab Quark-hadron duality in neutron spin structure Nov. 14, 2008
Andrei Afanasev, Hampton University/Jefferson Lab Search for Dark-Matter Particles in Photon-Photon Interaction at Optical Frequencies Nov. 7, 2008
Elliot Leader, Imperial College London The Transverse Angular Momentum Sum Rule Oct. 17, 2008
Matthias Burkardt, New Mexico State University Transverse Force on Quarks in DIS Sept. 24, 2008
Larry Weinstein, Old Dominion University Guesstimation: Solving the world's problems on the back of a cocktail napkin Sept. 17, 2008
Yakov Azimov, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Quantum Interference of Particles and Resonances Sept. 12, 2008
I.G.Aznauryan Electroexcitation of P11(1440), D13(1520), and S11(1535) from the CLAS Data and the Nature of These Resonances July 18, 2008
Thomas LeCompte Early Physics with the Large Hadron Collider June 16, 2008
Howard Fenker  Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Detectors June 3, 2008
Guy Ron The proton electromagnetic form factors at low Q2 May 28, 2008
Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson Electromagnetic Hadron Form Factors in Space and Time-like Regions May 2, 2008
Jeffrey Brack, Colorado State University Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays and Experimental Physics April 25, 2008
Pierre Bertin, University Blaise Pascal/JLAB Results on Neutron Pion above the Resonances at Q2=1.9 and 2.3 GeV2 April 23, 2008
Graham Heyes Data Acquisition Systems for Experimental Nuclear Physics April 23, 2008
Des Ramsay, University of Manitoba/TRIUMF Measurement of Parity Violation in ep scattering April 18, 2008
Sebastian Kuhn  Nucleon Spin Physics March 26, 2008
Bill Hersman Polarized helium-3 target with two hundred-fold improvement Feb. 29, 2008
Dave Meekins A Brief Introduction to JLABs Cryotargets Feb. 27, 2008
Krishna Kumar Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Jan. 23, 2008