The following are Physics Division requirements related to work planning, control and authorization for projects and test set ups in all Physics division work areas across the laboratory. When planning the testing and commissioning of experimental equipment, careful consideration should be given to the hazards, consequences and cost of that equipment when doing the risk analysis. Things to consider are;
Location - Requirements such as power requirements, water, gas, cryogenics, safety boundaries
Dimensions, weight - How will it be held? If a support structure is used, who did the design/fabrication? How will it be positioned and moved?
Special Hazards associated to build/operate the setup - flammable materials, oxygen deficiency hazard, high pressure, radioactivity, toxic or noxious fumes, Repetitive handling/operation, special equipment (e.g. gloves)?
Electronic equipment - Was it developed in-house (including another lab or university). Was the equipment borrowed or bought? Was the equipment modified? We are required to check equipment which has no seal of approval from a Recognized Testing Laboratory.
The following are Physics Division requirements related to work planning, control, and authorization for work projects and test setups in division work areas across the laboratory.
For the testing and commissioning of experimental equipment, the consequences/cost of said equipment should receive careful consideration when doing the risk analysis.
- All equipment setups or tasks performed in the Physics Division must have an ePAS or be covered under an existing ePAS for the area or task per ePAS training. Anyone needing to do work, testing, etc. must, at a minimum, be signed off as a work party member by the Recipient in Charge (RIC) of the appropriate ePAS before beginning work.
- An ePAS is required for any new equipment brought to Jefferson Lab. ePAS should be accessed through Task Lists (HAlist, HBlist, HClist, HDlist, etc.) for tracking and notification purposes. Access to technical work documents is available through the Hall Work Coordinator and must be signed and followed by anyone carrying out work on relevant apparatus. Also, the JLab ES&H Manual is available at ( Task Lists are available at . For the Physics Division, ePAS should be entered through the appropriate Task list in order to ensure task distribution that is not provided by ePAS.
- Any experimental system being assembled, tested or being installed at Jefferson Lab that is destined to become base or major equipment in an experimental Hall will require an ePAS prior to initial setup and testing. This ePAS will include all pertinent information for the Hazards, installation, maintenance and operation of the equipment so as to be easily transferred to the Experimental Hall’s operations manual.
- When in doubt as to if a work test set up documentation is required, or you have related questions please feel free to contact the Division Safety Officer or Deputy (Ed Folts or Neville O’Sullivan).