Theory Seminar: Laura Marcucci

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  • Theory Seminar: Laura Marcucci
    CC F224-225
    2022-08-01EDT13:00:00 ~ 2022-08-01EDT14:00:00
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Speaker: Laura Marcucci (University of Pisa)

Title: Recent progress in ab-initio studies of light nuclei and few-nucleon reactions

Abstract: When a theoretical study can be called a "microscopic ab-initio calculation"? What are the essential ingredients of such a calculation? In this talk, I will first of all try to answer to these questions. Then I will review some recent progress in ab-initio studies of few-nucleon systems, focusing on nuclear reactions of interest for astrophysics.

Event Date
CC F224-225
Scientific Program
Contact Name
Patrick Barry
(708) 612-0198