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Procedures for Experiments (PFX)

    Typical Outline for a Radiation Safety Assessment Document

    This document specifically addresses radiation and activation issues associated with the delivery of beam to an experiment. It includes an explicit calculation of the Experiment Operations Envelope (EOE) planned. It will identify Safety Issues associated with the planned EOE and identify mitigating measures that have been or need to be incorporated into the apparatus and run protocol to ensure the experiment operation stays within the established Operations Envelope for beam operation in the hall, as defined by the Jefferson Lab Final Safety Assessment Document. It will also address decommissioning plans for the target and beam-activated components as appropriate. To complete the RSAD, first prepare the Radiation Budget calculation, then contact Pavel Degtiarenko He will talk with you about the experiment and generate the RSAD.

    JLAB TN 97-031 of September 1997 "ELEC5b-Excel: A New Tool for Radiation Budget Calculations" at describes the typical radiation budget calculation. Required Information For Each Phase of Experiment:
    — Hall Location (A, B, or C)
    — Energy of Beam
    — Current of Beam
    — Target Element
    — Target Thickness (mg/cm2)
    — Run Time

    1. Description

    2. Summary and Conclusions

    3. Calculations of Radiation Dose at Site Boundary

    4. Radiation Hazards

      1. From Beam in the Hall

      2. From Activation of Target and Beamline Components

    5. Incremental Shielding or other Measures to be Taken to Reduce Radiation Hazards

    6. Operations Procedures

    7. Decommissioning and Decontamination of Radioactive Components

    The below documents are for viewing only. Please do not attempt to create your own RSAD as it will not be considered valid.

      RSAD Example (pdf)

      RSAD Budget Example (pdf)

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    updated April 09, 2004