5 areas of emphasis, termed "core functions" have been developed as the building blocks of a successful ISMS. The activities described in each core function are integrated into the planning and execution of any work activity that could potentially affect the workers, the public, or the environment. See the attached figure for a summary of how the 5 Core Functions are reflected within our work planning and work execution practices.
Organization |
FM&L |
Balance of Lab |
Operations |
Maintenance/ |
Operations |
Maintenance |
Experiment Preparation and Hall Maintenance |
Execute Experiments with Beam |
(1) Define the Scope of Work (Lab Wide) |
Annual Work Plan, Planning Meetings, Jobsite Walkdowns |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
(1) Define the Scope of Work |
Work for Others Agreement |
Work for Others Agreement |
Experimental Schedule |
ATLis Task Description |
P3 Long-Term Schedule |
Experiment & Maintenance Schedules |
Program Advisory Committee |
ATLis & Clones Task Description |
ATLis & Clones Task Description |
Subcontractor Specifications |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
(2) Analyze the Hazard (Lab Wide) |
ES&H 3210, Planning Meetings, Jobsite Walkdowns |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
(2) Analyze the Hazard |
FEList Hazard ID Checklist |
ATLis Hazard ID Checklist |
TATLs Hazard ID Checklist |
Hall List Hazard ID Checklist |
Experiment Review Process |
ES&H 3410, 3420 |
ATLis and Clones Haz Id Checklists |
ES&H 3410 and 3420 |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
(3) Develop and Implement Hazard Controls (Lab Wide) |
SOPs, OSPs,TOSPs, Training, ES&H 3210, ES&H 3320 - Temporary Work Permits (i.e., Confined Space, Dig/Blind, Radiological Control Permits) |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
(3) Develop and Implement Hazard Controls |
FEList Haz Id Checklist |
See Lab Wide |
See Lab Wide |
Work Instructions |
Conduct of Operations |
Work Orders |
Work Instructions |
See Lab Wide |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
(4) Perform Work Within Controls (Lab Wide) |
SOPs, OSPs,TOSPs, Applicable ES&H Manual Procedures, Jobsite Walkdowns, Pre-Job Briefings |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
(4) Perform Work Within Controls |
Laser Operations Plan (LOP) |
FEList File Approval |
ATLis File Approval |
TATLs File Approval |
Work Instructions |
Conduct of Operations |
Daily Work Plan Meetings |
ATLis and Clone File Approval |
See Lab Wide |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
↓ |
(5) Provide Feedback and Continuous Improvement (Lab Wide) |
Daily/Weekly/Monthly Planning and Feedback Meetings, Pre-Job Briefings, Jobsite Walkdowns, Independent & Management Assessments, Inspections by JLab Safety Wardens, Work Observation Program, Wokers Safety Committee, Directors Safety Council, Environmental Management System Committee, Electrical Safety Committee, Material Handling Committee, Corrective Action Tracking System (CATS), JLAB Lessons Learned Program (external and internal sources) |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
↕ |
(5) Provide Feedback and Continuous Improvement |
Peer Reviews |
FEList Closeout |
Ops Problems Reports |
ATLis Comments |
TATLs Comments |
Post Job Reviews |
Post Experiment Feedback |
Pre-bid Meetings |
Pre-Shutdown Safety Meeting (LL) |
Post Job Reviews |
Acronyms |
ES&H Manual Chapter 3130 – FEL Experiment Review Process |
ES&H Manual Chapter 3510-T2 - General Emergency Procedures |
ESAD - Experiment Safety Asserssment Document |
OSP - Operational Safety Procedure |
ES&H Manual Chapter 3210 – Hazard Identification and Characterization |
AOD - Accelerator Operations Document |
ESAF - Experimental Safety Assessment Form |
RSAD - Radiation Safety Assessment Document |
ES&H Manual Chapter 3320 - Temporary Work Permits |
ASE - Accelerator Safety Envelope |
FEL-ODS - Free Electron Laser Operations Document Supplement |
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure |
ES&H Manual Chapter 3410 – ES&H Aspects of Material Acquisitions |
ATLis and Clones includes: FEList, CTList, TATLs, Hall A List, Hall B List, Hall C List |
FSAD - Final Safety Assessment Document |
TOSP - Temporary Operational Safety Procedure |
ES&H Manual Chapter 3420 – ES&H Aspects of Procured Services & Construction |
CRADA - Cooperative Research and Development Agreement |
LSOP - Laser Standard Operating Procedure |
DOE's expectation is to apply an Integrated Safety Management System that is implemented throughout the cycle of translating broad Jefferson Lab missions into specific items of work conducted throughout the laboratory. Five areas of emphasis, termed "core functions" have been developed as the building blocks of a successful ISMS. The activities described in each core function are integrated into the planning and execution of any work activity that could potentially affect the workers, the public, or the environment.
Individual organizations within Jefferson Lab have developed mission translation, work planning and work execution practices and tools that are tailored to their activities and structure. Despite the differences in tools and terminology, however, the five core functions are represented in each specific process.
Each work planning and execution tool, regardless of the implementing organization, has a well-defined process to identify the nature of the required work, the schedule, and the costs of the activities. The level of detail of the scope of work varies in relation to its complexity and potential risks. In all cases, multi-disciplined teams are used to create, or review, the scope of work documents and workers are involved in the planning processes.
The second grouping of activities depicted in Figure 5 are the mechanisms used within each process to identify and categorize work related hazards and develop an understanding of the potential for the hazard to affect the health and safety of the worker, public, and the environment. This hazard analysis process can vary in complexity based on activity type and builds upon previous analyses conducted on tasks ranging from routine facility maintenance to accelerator and laser operations. Multi-disciplined teams are used with emphasis on identifying subject matter experts with significant Jefferson Lab experience.
During this next step of each process, the identified hazards are used to select or design engineering, administrative, and personal protective equipment controls and pollution prevention/waste minimization options imposed on the work. Again, the level of these controls is tailored to the work and the associated hazards. In most cases, the controls are based on best practices and lessons learned gained from previous, similar activities as captured in the Jefferson Lab's ES&H Manual and Jefferson Lab Standard Operating Procedures. Some work elements may require unique controls, which are typically documented in Temporary SOPs, activity-specific safety plans and/or supplied to workers through specific training activities. In all cases, site-wide ES&H requirements and industry standards are identified, mechanisms are put in place to satisfy the requirements and the controls are documented in work authorizations.
Each work process has a defined authorization protocol for concluding that Core Functions 1-3 have been satisfied, and establishes defined roles, responsibilities for authorizing work to proceed. Additionally, each work planning and execution tool assures that the hazards and controls are discussed with all workers prior to commencing work; that the controls will remain in place for the duration of the activity; and all workers are qualified to participate in the activity.
The last two groups of activities summarize how lessons learned are collected and shared to improve the performance of the ISMS. Jefferson Lab has established lessons learned collection, evaluation and communication tools available to all organizations and employees. The routine activities of the Worker's Safety Committee are one example of an installation-wide mechanism. Organizations or groups within organizations have additional tools and meetings that best support their activities and work tempo. In all cases, routine and non-routine events and ISMS performance is discussed and documented so the results are available for future planning activities.