Fragmentation Functions and Nucleon Structure (FF2021) workshop
- Fragmentation Functions and Nucleon Structure (FF2021) workshop ~ 2021-11-05EDT12:30:0015674
The FF2021 workshop is part of the INT-sponsored workshops for 2021 (INT 21-80W). It will take place from November 1 to 5, 2021 remotely.
The workshop provides a framework for experimentalists and theoreticians to discuss new developments and ongoing efforts in the field of hadronization and fragmentation functions, in particular their impact on the physics program of present and future experimental facilities such as the 12 GeV upgrade at Jefferson Lab, EIC, BEPC-II, KEK, RHIC, LHC.
All speakers, including invited speakers, will be required to register through the webpage. If you are interested in presenting a talk during the workshop, please submit an application through the webpage, and include a summary of your proposed abstract in the “Topics” text box. Note that the number of available talk slots will be limited.