12 GeV Upgrade Technical Scope - Physics Experimental Equipment

Technical scope for the experimental equipment is described in the following Design Solution Documents (DSDs):

Hall D

Hall D
Architect's rendering of Hall D complex

The Hall D sub-project consists of building a new large acceptance detector for photon beam experiments located in a new experimental hall at the northeast corner of the CEBAF accelerator.


Proposed Hall A, B, & C

Upgrades to the three existing halls include:

Hall A
Hall A - High Resolution Spectrometer (HRS) Pair, and specialized large installation experiments

Hall A - Upgrade the beamline to achieve the capability of delivering the maximum energy five-pass beam. Continued use with existing spectrometer pair and for special set-up experiments.

Hall B
CLAS12 - CLAS upgraded to higher (1035) luminosity and coverage

Hall B - Upgrade the existing CLAS detector with new magnets and detectors to capture the more forward-focused reaction products at the increased luminosity.

Hall C
Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) at high luminosity and forward angles

Hall C - Install a new spectrometer system called the Super High Momentum Spectrometer or SHMS (central momentum up to 11 GeV/c) enabling measurements of particles scattered at up to full beam momentum. This will be used together with the existing High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS).