Environment, Safety & Health Committees are established by the Laboratory Director, who also appoints committee members. These committees consult with line management to ensure current regulations and the most effective safety protocols have been established.
The Director's Safety Council reviews and is responsible for the structure and performance of Environmental, Safety and Health and (ES&H) efforts at Jefferson Lab. This Council is an integral part of Jefferson Lab's commitment to safety and quality as defined by the Lab's Contractor Assurance System (CAS), especially its Integrated Safety Management (ISM) and Health Management System.
The Electrical Safety Committee (ESC) is a technical resource used to identify and resolve electrical safety issues. The ESC is also responsible for policy updates to the ES&H Manual.
The Sustainability and Environmental Management (SEM) Committee has two primary responsibilities: (1) Support the development and implementation of sound sustainable practices at Jefferson Lab. (2) Oversee the implementation and evolution of the lab's Environmental Management System (EMS).
The Jefferson Lab Radiation Review Panel (JRRP) proactively serves to advise the Radiation Control Department (RadCon or RCD) and senior management on matters of radiation safety. The Panel reviews, comments on, and recommends approval of documentation for signature by the TJNAF Director and Associate Directors (as applicable), thereby supporting policy and procedures for operational radiological safety.
The JRRP is responsible for reviewing ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) Program activities, training, and reports; conducting critiques on deficiencies and proficiencies in radiation control activities; reviewing plans for first-time or infrequent activities and changes of scope; and, reviewing recommendations from RadCon. The JRRP shall make recommendations to the Director's Safety Council, senior management, and/or to those responsible for conducting programs regarding the aforementioned items.
The Material Handling Committee (MHC) proactively initiates improvements to the lab's material handling safety policies and procedures. In particular, the MHC: 1. Provides recommendations to the Laboratory Director (through Director-ES&H) on the development and implementation of policy, program code and regulatory interpretation. 2. Provide a forum for the JLab community to seek information on material handling needs. 3. Review and recommend changes to material handling safety training. 4. Provide assistance in evaluating unique hazards as requested. 5. Review incidents for determination and communication of lessons learned in conjunction with ES&H programs.
The purpose of the Pressure Systems Committee (PSC) is to review, structure and provide Environmental, Safety and Health (ES&H) performance guidance related to pressure systems. This ensures compliance with 10 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 851 Workers Safety and Health Program, Subpart C. The committee serves as the jurisdictional authority to arbitrate issues of conflict-related to pressure safety, ASME Code and Jefferson Lab policies.
The Safety Configuration Management Board (SCMB) is chartered by the Lab Director to address matters of accelerator-specific safety related to the implementation of the Accelerator Safety Order (ASO). It does not address general safety, which is managed through the Lab’s Worker Safety and Health Program, except in situations where general safety matters may impact the safety of accelerator operations. The SCMB reviews accelerator-specific safety issues, approves changes to systems and operations that affect accelerator safety, makes recommendations regarding accelerator safety, and assures continued compliance with the Accelerator Safety Order (ASO). The Lab Director appoints members to the SCMB and, through the Director-ES&H, provides oversight of the board’s activities.
The Worker Safety Committee is empowered to promote and continuously improve work place safety . The Committee provides management with working level feedback, ideas, and recommendations for improving safety laboratory wide. The committee also provides safety stakeholders - employees, subcontractors, users - with the opportunity for communication of their issues and concerns. This Committee is not intended to bypass existing procedures and processes. Rather, it serves as a vital communication link for highlighting work force safety issues and concerns and as a means for ensuring improvement actions of interest to the work force are initiated and completed.
The Welding Technical Committee (WC) serves as a resource to identify and resolve design/engineering issues and related technical and safety issues associated with welding and brazing at Jefferson Lab. Personnel safety issues related to the act of welding or brazing are not included. The committee also monitors and updates Jefferson Lab’s Welding Program and the associated documentation.