CMLOG: Common Message Logging System

CMLOG is a generic distributed data or message logging system. It contains a multi-threaded network server that logs/retrieves arbitrary type data from a high performance database, and a set of C, C++ and Java APIs for applications to log or to retrieve data from the data storage. A CMLOG server can run on a host running different flavors of Unix such as Solaris, hpux, Linux and more, and applications using cmlog can run on either Unix hosts or single board computers running real time operating systems such VxWorks. In addition, CMLOG browsers can display real-time logging data or review data from database. Currently this system is being used at several national or international laboratories including SLAC, BNL, BESSY, SLS of PSI, JLAB and JLAB Data Acquisition System (CODA) and several universities.

News May 28, 2003: cmlog version 2.1 production update.

News Apr. 17, 2003: A cmlog server bug fix.

News Sept. 9, 2002: cmlog version 2.1 production release.

News Oct. 22, 2001: cmlog version 2.1 beta 1 release.

News July 25, 2001: cmlog version 2.1 beta release.

This version makes cmlog 64 bit compatible. It has been tested on solaris (64 bit) and Alpha linux.

News July 12, 2000: cmlog version 2.0 production release