Accelerator Seminars

The Accelerator seminar committee hosts a series of speakers throughout the year on general accelerator physics related topics. Attendance is open lab-wide, and suggestions for future speakers are welcome.

Accelerator Seminars are scheduled weekly on Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. If you would like to schedule or suggest a seminar topic, please contact the committee for approval.

Seminar presentations can be viewed at JTube:


Zeming Sun

Bruker Energy & Superconducting Technologies

Michael Tobar

University of Western Australia

Daniele Sertore

INFN Milano - LASA

Accelerator Seminar Speaker: Zeming Sun

Accelerator Seminar Speaker:Michael Tobar

Accelerator Seminar Speaker: Daniele Sertore
10/26/2023    11am   TL 1227Zoom 04/11/2024    11am   CC L102/Zoom 04/11/2024   2pm   CC L102/Zoom
Functionalizing Advanced Materials and Surfaces in Superconducting RF Precision Metrology with Photons, Phonons and Spins: Answering Major Unsolved Problems in Physics and Advancing Translational Science HB2TF: A First Step towards BriXSinO at INFN LASA


Yaroslav Derbenev

Jefferson Lab

Alexander Scheinker

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Nicholas Sereno

Argonne National Laboratory

Accelerator Seminar Speaker: Yaroslav Derbernev

Accelerator Seminar Speaker: Alexander Scheinker

11/022023    11am   CC F113/Zoom 10/26/2023     11an     TL1227/Zoom 10/19/2023    11am   CC F326-327/Zoom
To the Issue of Geodesics and Torsion in the Theory of the Gravitation Robust, Adaptive and Physics Constrained Generative Deep Learning for Electrodynamics Fast Orbit Feedback (FOFB) System Design and R&D for the APS Upgrade (APS-U)


The archive of previous presentations can be found here (login required).

Accelerator Seminar Committee: