Accelerator Seminar: Andrew Hutton

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  • Accelerator Seminar: Andrew Hutton
    TL 1227 & Remote
    2022-09-22EDT11:00:00 ~ 2022-09-22EDT12:00:00
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Title: The European ERL Roadmap

Abstract: Following the European Strategy process in 2019, five Roadmap Panels were set up to prepare the technologies needed for future accelerators and colliders: high-field magnets, SRF, muon colliders, plasma wakefield accelerators and Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs). The ERL Roadmap Panel, consisting of ERL experts from around the world, first developed a comprehensive overview of current and future ERLs. From this a gap analysis was carried out to evaluate the necessary R&D, which led to the development of the Roadmap. The European ERL Roadmap focused on four main aspects:

  1. The continuation and development of facility programs for which no additional funds are needed (S-DALINAC in Darmstadt and MESA in Mainz)
  2. Technology development for room-temperature HOM damping and twin-axis SRF cavities
  3. The timely upgrade of bERLinPro for 100mA current, and
  4. The construction of PERLE at Orsay as a dedicated 10MW beam-power multi-turn facility.

The Roadmap also describes a vision for future energy-frontier electron-positron and electron-hadron colliders, and describes a high-quality ERL program for 4.4K SRF technology at high Q0. The presentation will address the ERL Roadmap process and results in detail.

This seminar will be a hybrid event in the Test Lab room 1227 and remote.

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Event Date
TL 1227 & Remote
Scientific Program
Contact Name
Kevin Jordan
(757) 269-7100