Chapter 3100: Policy for Working Alone
- This policy supports the Laboratory's Environmental, Safety & Health Policy - conducting operations in a manner that will provide employees, users, subcontractors, vendors, and visitors safe and healthy work conditions.
3110 Facility Design and Modification Review
- This chapter describes the approach used for reviewing ES&H issues associated with these designs. Considerations include:
- Life, safety, and fire protection
- Environmentally responsible construction techniques
- Restoration and protection measures to enhance long-term stewardship of natural and cultural resources throughout the facility’s operation, closure, and post-closure life cycles
3110 Appendix T1 New and Modification to Existing Facility Design Review Procedure
ES&H reviews designs for new and modification to existing facilities including:
New structures
Architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing or electrical system modifications to existing facility
Changes in building use related to technical/scientific purposes
3120 The CEBAF Experiment Review Process
- This review process is performed for all experiments mounted in the experimental halls at Jefferson Lab, and may be used for the review of “special” experiments using other capabilities of the laboratory.
3130 Accelerator Experiment Safety Review Process
- To help ensure that safety is integrated into the planning and conduct of experiments, Jefferson Lab has established an experimental review process. By including safety considerations in the early design stages of an experiment, the experimenter reduces the risk that safety issues, that could significantly delay the experiment, will surface later. At the discretion of the associate director of the accelerator division, R&D carried out in any Jefferson Lab accelerator (CEBAF, LERF or UITF) must follow the “Accelerator Research and Development Review Process” outlined in the Accelerator Experiment Review Process in ES&H Chapter 3130 Appendix T1 Accelerator Experiment Safety Assessment Document (ESAD) Instructions.
| 3130 Appendix T1 Accelerator Experiment ESAD Instructions |
| 3130 Appendix T1 Accelerator Experiment ESAD Form |
- For subsequent experiments that use base equipment that is already established, reviewed, and approved, the original ESAD need only be amended to include any changes to materials, operating parameters, etc. The same rigor of review and approval applies, as if the document had been written as new.
| 3130 Appendix T2 Accelerator Experiment COO Instructions |
| 3130 Appendix T2 Accelerator Experiment COO Form |
- The Accelerator Experiment Conduct of Operations (COO) is written to provide guidance to personnel conducting experiments within a Jefferson Lab accelerator facility. This appendix outlines the responsibilities and process steps; identifies special training requirements; installation and operational details of experiment specific equipment; and specific beam parameters which are required to perform the experiment.